
Green Procurement Activities

Resource Procurement

In accordance with the AGC Group's materials procurement policy, our company strives to procure materials in an open, fair, and environmentally conscious manner.

*Go to the AGC Group website.

Green Procurement Activities

The AGC Electronics Company’s Electronic Materials General Division aims to supply products with low environmental impact by promoting the procurement of products with reduced environmental impact (environmentally friendly products).
In order to encourage more environmentally friendly corporate activities at a time when awareness of environmental conservation is on the rise, we have reviewed our suppliers' environmental and other initiatives, revised our survey of environment-related substances contained in procured parts, and published the AGC Green Procurement Integrated Guidelines.
In line with this policy, we are promoting green procurement activities as part of our low environmental impact corporate activities.

We can only achieve green procurement with the cooperation of our suppliers.
We appreciate your understanding and support for our policy.